Book by the Artist      

A Joy Forever: Latvian Weaving, Traditional and Modified Uses (1991, Dos Tejedoras Publishing, St. Paul, MN, ISBN 0-932394-16-7 )

– In 2008 Jane Evans was awarded an Honorary Diploma by The Cultural Foundation of the World Federation of Free Latvians for writing A Joy Forever, Latvian Weaving; Traditional and Modified Uses. The award, which is the first one ever made in the Arts and Crafts catagory, recognizes significant contributions to Latvian cultural heritage.

A Joy Forever is a valuable reference about handwoven household textiles from pre-World War II in Latvia. Included are a history of handwoven Latvian household textiles, detailed survey of weave structures, contemporary projects, freeform split-shed weaving information, a double-harness weaving system, 50 color photos, 104 black-and-white photos, 41 illustrations, and 300 drafts. 178 pages, softbound, 8.5″ x 11″.

– “A really incredible book, a fantastic piece of work, a unique compilation of weave techniques and different ways of weaving them.” – review from Vav Magazine, Sweden

– “The work that the author is now producing is great testimony to the creativity unleashed by getting out of the North American thinking mode. In A Joy Forever, Evans generously serves up what she has uncovered to stimulate us.” – review by M. Kati Meek, Handwoven magazine.

– There is a printable Errata page available if you CLICK HERE.

– This book is no longer in print. A very limited number of copies are still available. See the PURCHASING page.

Articles by the Artist

Over 40 articles related to weaving have appeared since 1974 in the following publications: Handwoven; Weaver’s; Shuttle, Spindle & Dyepot; The Weaver’s Journal; White Papers of Interweave Press; Complex Weavers’ Journal; Craft Factor; Guild of Canadian Weavers Bulletin; Heddle; Ontario Handweavers and Spinners Bulletin; Saskatchewan Journal of Education through Art

Specific content of selected articles:

                     Landscape Pictures:Weaver’s magazines: #33 (4-shaft technique of split-shed), #38 (warp-                              painting); Complex Weaver’s Journal, #86, February, 2008 (techniques for imagery)

Patchwork rug on four shafts

“Patchwork Rug” on four shafts

Quite Blooming rug made with 4 shaft split shed weaving

“Quite Blooming” Rug
4-shaft split-shed weaving
see Weaver’s #42

 Rug Weaves:Weaver’s magazines: #9 (4-tie draft), #11 (2-tie draft), #12 (split-shed), #22 (Patchwork), #23 (painted warp, 4-shaft pick-up), #42 (split-shed); Handwoven magazines: May/81 (2-tie draft), Summer/83 (warp-stuffer, shaft-switching), March/90 (shadow weave), Nov./93

(2-tie), Nov./01 (4-shaft pick-up); The Best of Weaver’s – Thick ‘n Thin, XRX Pub., 2001 – “Patchwork Rugs”; Weaving Contemporary Rag Rugs, Heather Allen, Lark Books, 1998 – “Patchwork Jewels”

Miscellaneous Weaves:The Best of Weavers’ – Twill Thrills, XRX Pub., 2004 – “Composing Snowflakes”; 8, 12, 20 – An Introduction to Multi-shaft Weaving, Kathryn Wertenberger, 1988 – Tied Unit Weaves; Geometric Design in Weaving, Else Regensteiner, 1986 – Warp-faced Shadow Weave, Bound Weave; Complex Weavers’ Newsletter, #24, May, 1987 – “The ‘Tied Latvian’ Weave”

Split-shed Weaving:
Complex Weavers’ Journal: #62, January 2000 (6-shaft technique of split shed); Weaver’s magazines: #12 (4-shaft rugs), #31 (4-shaft twill damask fabric), #33 (4-shaft pictures), #38 (4-shaft pictures), #42 (4-shaft rugs); Handwoven magazines: Nov/93 (4-shaft rugs), May/00 (3-shaft Bronson lace fabric)     

As of late 2019 in the book The Technique of Split-Shed Weaving  Deborah Silver very capably presents and expands on the technique introduced earlier in some of my work.

 Publications Including the Artist’s Work (selected)

Fiberarts Design Book Seven, Lark Books, 2003; The Best of Weavers’Twill Thrills, XRX Pub., 2004; The Best of Weaver’s – Thick ‘n Thin, XRX Pub., 2001; Fiberarts Design Book Six, Lark Books, 1999; Weaving Contemporary Rag Rugs, Heather Allen, 1998; 8, 12, 20 – An Introduction to Multi-shaft Weaving, Kathryn Wertenberger, 1988; Embroidery Canada, 9/95; Geometric Design in Weaving, Else Regensteiner, 1986; The Technique of Split-Shed  Weaving, Deborah Silver, 2019 

Publications about the Artist (selected)

Shuttle,Spindle & Dyepott 1/00, 7/86; Handwoven, 3/96; Western People, 7/93; Ontario Handweavers and Spinners Bulletin,6/92; Craft Factor, SK. Craft Council, Fall/02; Winter/92, Fall/91, Summer/86; Star-Phoenix Newspaper, Saskatoon, SK

Awards for A Joy Forever

2008 – Honorary Diploma to the author from The Cultural Foundation of the World Federation of Free Latvians, recognizing a significant contribution to Latvian cultural heritage

1992 – Merit Award for Best How-to Book, Midwest Independent Publishers’ Association, U.S.A.

– Merit Award for Best Book Design, Midwest Independent Publishers’ Association, U.S.A.

Book Reviews of A Joy Forever (selected)

Material History Review, Nat’l Museum of Science and Technology, Ottawa, ON, Fall/1992; Textile-Fibre Forum, Australia, nd; Vav, Sweden, 3/1992; Australijas Latvietis, Melbourne, Australia, nd; International Textile & Apparel Assoc. Newsletter, 6/1993; Handwoven, Loveland, CO,  5/1992; Laiks, Brooklyn, NY, nd; Craft Factor, Saskatchewan Craft Council, Winter/1992; Weaver’s #15, Sioux Falls, SD, 1992
